Squirrel's Garden

Blogging the highs and lows of my attempts at allotment gardening

Location: Sherwood Forest, United Kingdom

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Been Absent but Still Active

Well! I'm back. My father was visiting from Australia for the last 13 weeks, so I spent little time on the computer. We were however very busy at the allotment in between all the family re-unions (which were many as not only does he have a large family, but it is 20 years since his last visit)
It was great to be able to come home each day with most of the ingredients for the evening meal. All the hard work has paid off with some very tasty fruit and veg. My big disappointment was the brassicas. firstly they were attacked by cabbage rootfly, which I think I successfully treated as they began to grow again, but then they all succumbed to clubroot.
It seems the previous owner did not practice rotation and regularly left his crops in the ground unharvested. Also he never fed the soil in any way. Fortunately I will be extending my plot next year as my neighbour has declared his intention to leave, and his brassicas look very healthy.
I am taking not of where he has grown his crops so I do not plant the same things in the same place.
Off to the site now to carry on harvesting and getting the ground ready for a delivery of manure next month.