Is October the Start of New Year?
No matter what hurdles and obstacles have got in my way I always find a re-newed enthusiasm at this time of the year.
First of all there is the onset of Autumn. The colour of the local landscape changes on a daily basis and puts me in mind a a young woman getting ready to go on a very important date. She rumbles through her wardrobe trying on every gown, of every colour, to try to find the one she feels is just right. Sometimes she becomes frustrated and furious as she races around in a desperated frenzy whilst at others she stands before the mirror in a calm reverie of how she wants it to be. This short unpredictable season always fills me with a sense of wonder as so many of our fauna and flora put on a grand finale before ending this years show.
Down on the allotment I also become filled with a sense of excitement and enthusiasm as I relieve my hardworking vegetable beds of there current burden of harvest and ready them for the next one.
The squash have produced prolifically and I have a bench in the polytunnel full of butternut and spaghetti squash, the pumpkins are ripening well and the last few courgettes were allowed to grow into small marrows.
The last half dozen sweetcorn are waiting to be plucked from the tall stems. They have been superb this year with the fullest fattest cobs I have ever grown. Sweet succulant and delicious.
The last of the climbing beans (Borlotti, Canneloni, Flat French and runner) have been allowed to plump up so that I can pop out the bean and use them in winter bean casseroles etc.
Potatoes are slowly being lifted for drying sorting and storing. A glut of tomatoes was dealth with by making lots of salads, patas and moroccan tagines as they came off the vine and any excess were dried or frozen for use in the winter.
I even had my very first bunch of grow my own grapes. Just one word .... Sensational!
The real cause for excitement at this time of the year is however this. I have now started to plant for next year.
Overwintering onion, Red Electric and Radar are now in the ground, as too are most of my autumn planted garlic. Picardy Wight, Wight Christo, Early Purple Wight are in, with just the Messendor to go. I am prepping the ground for the Broad beans and over wintering beans.
Yes! I love this time of the year as much as I love spring. The main difference is that I find this sowing and planting season os not quite as frenzied for me as it is in springtime. Therefore I get a little more time to watch Autumn put on her fabulous display.
For me October is the start of next years harvest.
First of all there is the onset of Autumn. The colour of the local landscape changes on a daily basis and puts me in mind a a young woman getting ready to go on a very important date. She rumbles through her wardrobe trying on every gown, of every colour, to try to find the one she feels is just right. Sometimes she becomes frustrated and furious as she races around in a desperated frenzy whilst at others she stands before the mirror in a calm reverie of how she wants it to be. This short unpredictable season always fills me with a sense of wonder as so many of our fauna and flora put on a grand finale before ending this years show.
Down on the allotment I also become filled with a sense of excitement and enthusiasm as I relieve my hardworking vegetable beds of there current burden of harvest and ready them for the next one.
The squash have produced prolifically and I have a bench in the polytunnel full of butternut and spaghetti squash, the pumpkins are ripening well and the last few courgettes were allowed to grow into small marrows.
The last half dozen sweetcorn are waiting to be plucked from the tall stems. They have been superb this year with the fullest fattest cobs I have ever grown. Sweet succulant and delicious.
The last of the climbing beans (Borlotti, Canneloni, Flat French and runner) have been allowed to plump up so that I can pop out the bean and use them in winter bean casseroles etc.
Potatoes are slowly being lifted for drying sorting and storing. A glut of tomatoes was dealth with by making lots of salads, patas and moroccan tagines as they came off the vine and any excess were dried or frozen for use in the winter.
I even had my very first bunch of grow my own grapes. Just one word .... Sensational!
The real cause for excitement at this time of the year is however this. I have now started to plant for next year.
Overwintering onion, Red Electric and Radar are now in the ground, as too are most of my autumn planted garlic. Picardy Wight, Wight Christo, Early Purple Wight are in, with just the Messendor to go. I am prepping the ground for the Broad beans and over wintering beans.
Yes! I love this time of the year as much as I love spring. The main difference is that I find this sowing and planting season os not quite as frenzied for me as it is in springtime. Therefore I get a little more time to watch Autumn put on her fabulous display.
For me October is the start of next years harvest.
I agree that October is the beginning of the next year. Its when the planning begins in earnest and you lay the foundations for a good crop. Now is the time to select next year's crops while sorting out the rotation and digging the manure into the right sections, its a mistake to manure the whole site.
Thanks for your comments Andy .. I agree with what you say.
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